Unity 5 Mobile Water Shader, as for me enough cheap with a good set of possible effects.
Shader "Water\MobileWater" { Properties{ _WaterContrast("Water Contrast", Range(0, 1)) = 0.3 _WaterSpeed("Water Speed", Range(0.01, 2)) = 0.4 _WaterDepth("WaterDepth", Range(0, 1)) = 0.3 _WaterTile("Water Tile", Range(1, 10)) = 2.5 _WaveNormal("Wave Normal", 2D) = "bump" {} _SpecularGloss("Specular Gloss", Range(0.5, 20)) = 1.5 _SpecularPower("Specular Power", Range(0, 2)) = 0.5 _WaveWind("Wave Wind", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5 _WaveSpeed("Wave Speed", Range(0.01, 1)) = 0.4 _WaveHeight("Wave Height", Range(0, 50)) = 0.5 _WaveTile1("Wave Tile X", Range(10, 500)) = 400 _WaveTile2("Wave Tile Y", Range(10, 500)) = 400 _CoastColor("Coast Color", COLOR) = (0.17647, 0.76863, 0.82353, 1) _CoastDepth("Coast Depth", COLOR) = (0, 1.0, 0.91373, 1) _OceanColor("Ocean Color", COLOR) = (0.03529, 0.24314, 0.41961, 1) _OceanDepth("Ocean Depth", COLOR) = (0.25098, 0.50980, 0.92549, 1) _IslandMask("Island Mask", 2D) = "white" {} _FoamDiffuse("Foam texture", 2D) = "white" {} _FoamTileX("Foam Tile X", Range(0, 2.0)) = 0.5 _FoamTileY("Foam Tile Y", Range(0, 2.0)) = 0.5 } SubShader{ Tags{ "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" } Pass{ Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha CGPROGRAM #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #pragma target 2.0 uniform sampler2D _FoamDiffuse,_IslandMask,_WaveNormal; uniform float _WaveHeight,_WaterContrast,_WaveTile1,_WaveTile2,_WaterTile,_FoamTileX,_FoamTileY,_WaveWind,_WaterDepth,_WaveSpeed,_WaterSpeed,_SpecularGloss,_SpecularPower; uniform float4 _Normal,_IslandFoam, _CoastColor, _CoastDepth, _OceanColor, _OceanDepth; float4 costMaskF(float2 posUV){ return tex2Dlod(_IslandMask, float4(posUV,1.0,1.0));} struct vertexOutput { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float3 _Color : TEXCOORD0; float3 _Depth : TEXCOORD1; float4 _Normal : TEXCOORD2; float4 _IslandFoam : TEXCOORD3; }; vertexOutput vert(appdata_base a) { vertexOutput o; float2 uv = a.texcoord.xy; float4 pos = a.vertex; // coast setup float2 posUV = uv; float4 coastMask = costMaskF(posUV); // mask for coast in blue channel float animTimeX = uv.y *_WaveTile1 + _Time.w * _WaveSpeed; // add time for shore X float animTimeY = uv.y *_WaveTile2 + _Time.w * _WaveSpeed; // add time for shore Y float waveXCos = cos(animTimeX)+1; float waveYCos = cos(animTimeY); // coast waves pos.z += (waveXCos * _WaveWind * coastMask) * coastMask; pos.y += (waveYCos * _WaveHeight * _WaveWind * 0.25) * coastMask; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, pos); // custom uv float2 foamUV = float2(a.vertex.x *_FoamTileX, a.vertex.z *_FoamTileY); float2 normalUV = float2(uv.x * 2.0, uv.y * 2.0) * 4.0; // reflections float3 lightPos = float3(-22.0, -180.0, -6.80); float3 lightDir = float3(15.0, 1.0, 10.0); float3 lightVec = normalize(lightPos - o.pos.xyz); float lightRef = (1.0 - (dot(lightDir, lightVec))); lightRef = lightRef * 0.25 + (lightRef * lightRef); // get rid of left side // edge and depth water float step = saturate(_WaterDepth); float depthX = (a.vertex.x * 0.22 - 1.0); // centering depth area float depthY = (a.vertex.z * 0.22 - 1.5); // centering depth area float depth = pow((depthX * depthX + depthY * depthY) * 0.006,3); float edge = saturate(step - (1.0 - depth) * 0.5); // Vertex Custom Output o._Color.rgb = lerp(_CoastColor.rgb, _OceanColor.rgb, edge); o._Depth.rgb = lerp(_CoastDepth.rgb, _OceanDepth.rgb, edge); o._IslandFoam.xy = posUV; o._IslandFoam.zw = foamUV + float2(1-_Time.x, 1-_Time.x)*0.5; o._Normal.xy = normalUV*_WaterTile + float2(0, _Time.x * _WaterSpeed); o._Normal.w = 1.0 - saturate(lightRef *(length((lightPos.x - (o.pos.z - 35.0))) * 0.002) * _SpecularGloss); // spec coeff o._Normal.z = (sin((a.vertex.x - _Time.w) - (a.vertex.z + _Time.x) * 5) + 1.0) * 0.5; // normal coeff return o; } float4 frag(vertexOutput i) : COLOR { float4 normal = tex2D(_WaveNormal, i._Normal.xy); float3 foam = float3(tex2D(_FoamDiffuse, float2(i._IslandFoam.z, i._IslandFoam.w - _Time.x)).r, 1.0, 1.0); float3 mask = tex2D(_IslandMask, i._IslandFoam.xy).rgb*foam; mask.g += _WaterContrast; // contrast point float4 color = float4(lerp(i._Depth, i._Color, (normal.x * i._Normal.z) + (normal.y * (1.0 - i._Normal.z))), 0.5) + exp2(log2((((normal.z) * i._Normal.z)*(1-mask.b*0.75) // waves light + (normal.w * (1.0 - i._Normal.z))*(1-mask.b*0.75) // waves light )* i._Normal.w ) * 3 ) * _SpecularPower ; // narrowing color = float4(lerp(color, float4(1, 1, 1, mask.x), mask.x) * mask.yyyy); // blend with foam color.w *= mask.g; // adjust an alpha to add more colors return color; } ENDCG }} Fallback "Unlit/Texture" }
_IslandMask – use 4 channel:
.r – use this for select an areas where do you want to have the foam.
.g – use this for light and color information
.b – use this for select an areas where do you want to have the waves.
.a – for alpha
_WaveNormal - use this for a wave, color and specular effects.This is an example, you can make your own texture, also you need to add foam.
Setting example
I download the shader and find an error when I compile it in unity. The error is ” incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor at line 84 (on d3d11)”.
The line with error in shader is “o._Normal.w = 1.0 – saturate(lightRef *(length(float(lightPos – (o.pos.z – 35))) * 0.002) * _SpecularGloss);”.
Could you help me to solve the problem?
I changed the shader, you can try one more time.
conragulation! thanks so mush admin
Can you upload a unitypackage file for us who always follows you? thank a lot…
Or send me an Email (985379844@qq.com),Thanks a lot
I can’t send a package
Could you please provide the mask texture?
Mask texture must be unique and relay on your water area shape, it’s a simple RGBA texture, you can easily make it in Photoshop. Create the unwrap for your water plane and after make a masks for each channel depending what and where do you want to have.
what is a.vertex.x?
i never see this kind of code, usually it would be vertex.x
ah just realized what it is, my bad 😀
I don’t see the tiling property for Textures working…
Program ‘vert’, error X4545: vs_2_0 target does not support texture lookups
Compiling Vertex program
It is giving me following error. Can you help me please.
I feel silly for asking this but I am battling to create the _Islandmask based on my island in unity… could you perhaps point me to a tutorial that would help me alone with this?
Thank you
This shader works perfect on my Samsung S5 perfect quality and perfomances, but I find issue on my girlfriend’s J3 I know this is some kind of incompatibility but do you know what?