Spec BRDF ref

//LD - Light direction//
//VD - View direction //
//N  - Normal         //
//a  - Roughness      //	
float pi				= 3.14159265358979323;
float a 				= roughness * roughness;
float3 H				= normalize(LD + VD);
float HdotN	  			= dot( N, H );
float VdotH				= dot( VD, H );
float VdotN				= saturate(dot( N, VD ));
float LdotN				= saturate( dot( LD, N ));
float LdotH				= saturate(dot( N, H ));

//Normal Distribution Function//
float NDF_Beckmann = 1.0 / ( pi * a * a ( pow( NdotH, 4.0f ) ) ) * exp ( ( pow( NdotH, 2.0f) - 1.0f ) / a * a * ( pow( NdotH, 2.0f ) ) );

float NDF_BlinnPhong = ( 1.0f / ( pi * a * a ) ) * ( pow( NdotH, 2.0 / ( a * a ) - 2.0f ) );

float NDF_TrowReitz = ( a * a ) / pi * ( pow( (pow( NdotH, 2.0f ) * ( a * a - 1.0f ) + 1.0f ), 2.0) );

float G_Simple = LdotN * VdotN;

float G_Kelemen = ( LdotN * VdotN ) / ( pow( VdotH, 2.0f ) );

float G_Neumann = ( LdotN * VdotN ) / max( LdotN, VdotN );

float G_Beckmann = 0.0;
float c = VdotN / ( a * sqrt( 1.0f - ( pow( VdotN, 2.0f ) ) ) );
if ( c < 1.6) {
	G_Beckmann = ( 3.535f * c + 2.181 * pow(c, 2.0f ) ) / ( 1.0f + 2.276 * c + 2.577 * pow(c, 2.0f ) );
else {
	G_Beckmann = 1.0f;

float G_CookTorr = min( 1.0f, min( ( 2.0f * HdotN * VdotH ) / VdotH, ( 2.0f * HdotN * LdotN ) / VdotH ) );

float G_GGXL = ( 2.0f * LdotN ) / ( LdotN + sqrt(a * a + ( 1.0f - a * a ) * ( pow(LdotN, 2.0f ) ) ) );
float G_GGXV = ( 2.0f * VdotN ) / ( VdotN + sqrt(a * a + ( 1.0f - a * a ) * ( pow(VdotN, 2.0f ) ) ) );
float G_GGX_SmithWalter = G_GGXV * G_GGXL; 

float G_GGXL = LdotN / ( a * sqrt(1.0f - ( pow(LdotN, 2.0f ) ) ) );
float G_GGXV = VdotN / ( a * sqrt(1.0f - ( pow(VdotN, 2.0f ) ) ) );
float G_GGX_SmithBeckmann = G_GGXV * G_GGXL; 

float k = a * sqrt( 2.0f / pi );
float G_GGXL = LdotN / ( LdotN * ( 1.0f - k ) + k );
float G_GGXV = VdotN / ( VdotN * ( 1.0f - k ) + k );
float G_GGX_SmithSchlick = G_GGXV * G_GGXL; 

float F0 = FRESNEL; //Reflectance at normal incidence
float F_Schlick = F0 + ( 1.0f - F0) * pow(1.0f - VdotH, 5.0f );

float Eta = ( 1.0f + sqrt(F0 ) ) / ( 1.0f - sqrt(F0 ) );
float c = VdotH;
float g = sqrt(pow(Eta, 2.0f ) + pow(c, 2.0f ) - 1.0f );
float F = 0.5f * (pow( ( g - c ) / ( g + c ) , 2.0f ) * ( 1.0f + (pow( ( ( g + c ) * c - 1.0f ) / ( ( g - c ) * c + 1.0f ), 2.0f ) ) ) );

Shadow problem

In shadow result with IBL lightning. Looks pretty dull, perhaps in life this will look as it is, but the game we would like to focus on weapon details even in shadow.


As an idea to create a special light source that will affect only specular and  use it in the shade.


diffuse_light = light_accum.diffuse * light_diffuse_factor; //diffuse influence factor
specular_light = light_accum.specular * light_specularfactor; //specular influence factor



It’s simple to create and easy to use.